Take a trip to the top of Varberg mountain. Here, the Vikings burned beacon fires to signal war and unrest. Below the beacon mountain lies Husabø, which may have been a royal estate in Viking times. Nearby, you can find rock carvings.
Text: Arnt Olav Klippenberg
Husabø is a common name for royal estates. In Lista, there is Huseby, and in Hundvåg, there is Husabø. The distance between these three royal estates was exactly one day’s sailing. Kings in Viking times rarely stayed in one place for long. They were constantly traveling to maintain their power. I believe the Husabø royal estate was located where the parsonage stands today. Just as the church took over pagan cult sites, it also took over the old centers of power.

The town mountain Varberg and Egersund harbour. To the left in the back of the picture is Husabø. Photo: Arne Ove Østebrøt

Rock carvings at Husabø. Photo: Archaeological Museum Stavanger

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